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您当前的位置: 网站首页 > 产品展厅 >超高韧性刚性高POM 德国塞拉尼斯 C13021 注塑级
超高韧性刚性高POM 德国塞拉尼斯 C13021 注塑级
  • 品牌:德国塞拉尼斯
  • 货号:888
  • 价格: ¥27/千克
  • 发布日期: 2024-01-15
  • 更新日期: 2024-10-23
品牌 德国塞拉尼斯
货号 888
用途 超高韧性刚性高
牌号 C13021
型号 C13021
品名 POM
外形尺寸 25
生产企业 德国塞拉尼斯

Hostaform® C 13021

Acetal (POM) Copolymer
Celanese Corporation
Chemical abbreviation according to ISO 1043-1: POM
Molding compound ISO 9988- POM-K, M-GNR, 04-002
POM copolymer
Easy flowing Injection molding type for precision molded parts and
thin-walled molded parts with high rigidity, hardness and toughness;
good chemical resistance to solvents, fuel and strong alkalis as
well as good hydrolysis resistance; high resistance to thermal and
oxidative degradation.
Monomers and additives are listed in EU-Regulation (EU) 10/2011
FDA compliant according to 21 CFR 177.2470
UL-registration for all colours and a thickness more than 1.5 mm as
UL 94 HB, temperature index UL 746 B electrical 110 °C, mechanical
90 °C.
Burning rate ISO 3795 and FMVSS 302 < 75 mm/min for a thickness more than 1 mm.
Ranges of applications: automotive engineering, precision
engineering, electric and electronical industry, domestic
FDA = Food and Drug Administration (USA)
UL = Underwriters Laboratories (USA)
FMVSS = Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (USA)
  • 超高韧性
  • 刚性,高
  • 抗溶剂性
  • 流动性中等
  • 耐化学性良好
  • 耐碱
  • 耐燃油性
  • 耐水解性
  • 硬度高
  • FDA 21 CFR 177.2470
  • 欧洲 10/1/2011 12:00:00 AM
RoHS 合规性
  • 联系制造商
  • Isothermal Stress vs. Strain (ISO 11403-1)
  • Shear Stress vs. Shear Rate (ISO 11403-1)
树脂ID (ISO 1043)
  • POM
物理性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法
密度 1.41 g/cm3 ISO 1183
溶化体积流率(MVR) (190°C/2.16 kg) 12.0 cm3/10min ISO 1133
收缩率 ISO 294-4
    垂直流动方向 1.8 % ISO 294-4
    流动方向 2.0 % ISO 294-4
吸水率 (饱和, 23°C) 0.65 % ISO 62